Booking policy

Booking Terms & Conditions 2024/25

  1. A 50% deposit is required on booking and is payable within one week of making the reservation.
  2. Payment of the balance is due one month before arrival. Late payment will incur interest at 2% and will automatically be added to the balance after the due date.
  3. Payment for the total amount of the booking is the responsibility of the person making the booking. The person named making the booking is responsible for any damage charges incurred during the dates booked.
  4. We recommend that guests take out travel insurance at the time of making their booking.
  5. In the event of a cancellation 8 weeks minimum before arrival, if re-let, we will refund the deposit less a 5% booking fee. No refunds are offered for cancellations made less than 8 weeks before arrival.
  6. Discretionary damage deposit: A damage deposit of £10 / person is an additional charge made at our discretion and added to the final balance one month before arrival. This amount will be refunded within two weeks of departure if no damage to the property or its contents has occurred. This includes extra cleaning charges where the accommodation has not met a reasonable standard of cleanliness on departure.
  7. All the accommodation is strictly ‘No Smoking’, except outside.
  8. The number of persons stated when booking shall not exceed those staying.
  9. Strictly no day or evening guests on site except by prior arrangement.
  10. Reasonable access to the properties must be allowed at all times to the owners and their representatives. Improvements and maintenance are carried out to the grounds and properties throughout the year and we do our best to ensure guests are not inconvenienced.
  11. Cars are parked at owners’ risk in the designated Car Park. Parking at the accommodation for disabled guests parking only.
  12. Arrival is from 4pm and departure by 10am.
  13. Personal belongings are the responsibility of each member of the party. We accept no liability whatsoever for any accident, loss or damage to your property unless it is demonstrably due to our negligence. We cannot be held responsible for failure of water and electricity supplied or any disturbance that is beyond our control during your stay.
  14. No outside caterers on site other than our recommended caterers.
    Prices are correct at date of publication and are subject to alteration without prior notice, with the exception of confirmed bookings.
  15. Hot Tubs: Please ensure you read and sign the Health & Safety documents at your accommodation before using the hot tubs. We check and maintain the hot tubs daily. We request that no food or drink is taken to the hot tubs and all the health and safety information is complied with.
  16. We request that noise is kept to a minimum outside all the properties and that all these areas including the garden and picnic tables are vacated by 10pm.
  17. Excessive noise can be offensive to other guests staying nearby and complaints regarding noise may result in an extra charge.
  18. No inflatables, ball games, music or rowdiness in the garden areas.
  19. There is a designated paddock beside the car park, with picnic tables and field area for ball games.
  20. Sorry we do not accept pets at any property except guide dogs.
  21. Please follow ‘The Countryside Code’ walking across footpaths and farmland.
  22. There is no guests’ access and a ’No Entry’ policy to the farm buildings and farm working areas for health and safety reasons.
  23. We ask that Chinese Lanterns are not released as they pose a serious risk to farm animals, potentially causing animal fatalities and destruction to crops.
    Meare Court Ltd, Meare Court Farm, Wrantage, Taunton, Somerset TA3 6DA